Anyone who is involved in an accident knows just how much pain they have to deal with. If you or your loved one have been injured by someone due to their negligence, you might qualify for a personal injury claim for recovering damages. Filing a personal injury claim is not easy. 

Unless you are a personal injury expert, you are likely to make mistakes that could end up jeopardizing your claim. It is important that you understand that a personal injury claim should not be taken lightly. To avoid making common mistakes, you need to know which mistakes to avoid. These are mentioned below. 

1. Assuming a Personal Injury Claim Is Straightforward

One of the most common mistakes that personal injury clients normally make is thinking that a personal injury claim is easy. You might have come across adverts that make you believe that claims are simple. However, it could not be further from the truth. It is quite rare for a personal injury case to be straightforward. There is a great deal of complexity to each case which is why you need to be careful. You do not know what could be used against you in court.

2. Not Getting Medical Treatment Immediately

If you have been injured, it is crucial that you get medical treatment immediately by heading to the nearest medical center. No matter whether you get injured or not after an accident, you will need to visit the doctor to help with your claim. The medical practitioner would help provide critical documentation for a successful personal injury case.

3. Failing to Document the Accident

Another common mistake that you must not make is failing to document the accident. If it is possible, you should try to take notes or pictures. If you are unable to take the pictures on your own, you should reach out to the person closest to you to help you out. Video and photographic evidence can help with your case. The same goes for witness statements. This is especially true if you find the other party telling a different story. 

4. Sharing the Incident Online

If you have taken pictures of the incident, you should avoid sharing them on social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok. The pictures your post or words you express online can be used against you and could affect your claim. For instance, when you share pictures online and use words that make it seem like the accident did not cause as much pain and suffering, your words could be used against you. 

5. Providing Too Much Information to the Insurance Company 

Although the insurance company might ask you for a statement on the events, it is best that you avoid speaking with them as they do not have your best interests in mind. The agent might try to make you admit that you were at fault and minimize the injuries. In fact, the insurance provider of the other party might even try to convince you by telling you that the claim’s value is much lower and would make a settlement to offer less money. 

6. Not Hiring an Attorney

The worst mistake that you can make when dealing with a personal injury case is not hiring a lawyer to help you out. Fighting a claim is complicated, especially for someone who does not know the law. An attorney would know when to file a claim and the limitations to develop the perfect strategy.

Now, the insurance company might try to make a claim and suggest that lawyers complicate things and that it is better that you settle with them. However, you should never fall into their trap as they do not have your best interests in mind. Insurers know what to say and can convince you to your own detriment. Therefore, you must seek a personal injury attorney who will deal with them and fight for your rights.

7. Assuming That Every Lawyer Is the Same

Lastly, you must avoid mistaking every attorney as the same. When hiring legal representation, you must make sure that you hire someone who is an expert in personal injury law. Similar to how there are doctors who have different expertise, it is the same for lawyers. Hence, you must conduct research and learn more about the attorney before you hire one. It will help ensure that your case is successful. You should never hire the first attorney you meet. Interview a few lawyers to make up your mind. 

If you want to file a personal injury claim in Florida, you should consider hiring our Boca Raton Personal Injury Lawyers. We know how to take on a personal injury lawsuit and will help boost the chances of a successful claim. Schedule a consultation with us to learn more.