Modern education has moved away from paper-based teaching. Today, digital learning has become the new norm. To keep up, you need to know about the latest teaching methods. There are many opportunities available to teachers for improving the learning experience. 

If your classroom has been equipped with an ActivPanel interactive display, you have come to the right place. As a teacher, you need to learn how to use the latest digital tools to boost interactivity and engagement. Find out how you can use interactive displays for preparing your students. 

How Can You Use Interactive Displays For Sharing Class Content?

ActivPanel interactive displays are considered to be one of the best tools out there for modern classrooms. You can use one to connect with your laptop and share the screen with them. In addition to this, it also serves as the ultimate standalone solution as it offers plenty of collaborative and whiteboard capabilities. Here are some of the ways that you can share content with an interactive display.

1. Upload Files to the Cloud and Access Them on the Interactive Display

ActivPanel interactive displays are connected to Dropbox and Google Drive. This means that you should have no trouble accessing a cloud account. All you have to do to access your files is log into your account and access the stored content. If you need to show a PowerPoint presentation, image, or PDF document to students on the drive, here is how you can do that.

  • Open the ActivPanel app or use a floating tool.
  • Look for the open icon.
  • Choose the right storage account.
  • Load the file on the interactive display.

A major reason why you should use the ActivPanel interactive display is that it lets you draw documents and presentations. This means that the presentation would become a background. You can use several features such as geometry tools, split-screen, random pick, and scoreboard while also allowing students to edit and annotate the board to improve their learning.

2. Use Instant Sharing Software to Wirelessly Mirror Computer Screens

There are times when you require students to view your laptop. Instant sharing software allows you to access content that cannot directly open on the ActivPanel interactive display by mirroring the laptop screen. The best thing about this is that it even lets you control what happens on the board. You also get to use a stylus on the screen. Here is how you can mirror your laptop screen.

  • Install the instant sharing app on your desired device (smartphone, laptop, or tablet).
  • Make sure that both the ActivPanel interactive display and the device are connected to a similar network.
  • Open the instant sharing app on the interactive display. 
  • Look for the device code and follow the instructions to connect the device. 

3. Connect the Interactive Display Using USB Type-C or HDMI

Chances are that you might have connected the classroom PC to the projector. But, to ensure 4K quality, an HDMI cable is necessary. Although this option is doable, it can present safety risks if you are teaching younger students. Here is how you can give it a try.

  • Plus the HDMI cable into the output HDMI socket of your laptop.
  • Plug the HDMI cable into the input HDMI socket of the ActivPanel interactive display.
  • Set the laptop to extend or duplicate for screen mirroring.
  • Choose the right HDMI source number on the ActivPanel display. 

4. Get a Slot-In PC for the Interactive Display

A Windows open plug (OPS) module can also be used for presenting class materials to students on the interactive display. You only have to install it into the slot of the interactive display to make it work. It would allow you to use the interactive display and directly access your laptop. Thus, the display would simply act as a touchscreen tablet that runs on Windows. As this is an expensive solution that requires additional training, you might want to stick to instant sharing.

Which Option Is The Best For Presenting Class Materials To Students On Interactive Displays?

Whiteboard features allow you to take advantage of the interactive display for classrooms. It will help provide an interactive and engaging experience to students and ensure that you are not tied to the desk. Therefore, you would be able to interact with students and conduct the class freely. As for uploading content to the cloud, you are likely to already do that for preparing your students. ActivPanel interactive displays make your life a whole lot easier as a teacher. Hence, you need to put it to good use.