Product Launching – Packaging Products Together

When you develop a brand new information product , whether it’s a book audio-based program, e-book or even a complete membership website – don’t limit yourself to this product. Instead, break your product into various formats, and then sell it as a whole. This offers a variety of advantages – not just to you but for your client.

People consume products in different formats. produktion af emballage

Certain people enjoy reading, some listen to audio-based programs in the gym and others are avid viewers of videos, and some only learn when they’re actively engaged in learning. If you produce your product in various formats, you allow the consumer to consume it in a way they prefer instead of focusing on what has proven to be the most suitable for them.

The consumer of products is on different levels.

There are people who don’t have the time to go through a whole book, but are happy to go through a brief e-book overview of the principal content and then flip through the book to find the most pertinent information. If you can provide each version, you are helping the customer to get the most out of your book. If you didn’t provide the summary version, many customers might have purchased the book with good intentions, but may never have been able to get around to going through it.

Consuming certain products in a group with others.

Certain products are intended for consumption in a single setting while others are suited to learning in groups. For instance, if you create a book on selling techniques, you can include a set of PowerPoint slides that sales managers can utilize in the weekly sales meetings. This will not only increase the value of your book, but it also means you could charge a greater price as it can be advertised as a 12-month reference that sales professionals can use.

A book, even if it is generally read by only one person at a given time can be viewed as a resource for group learning. For instance, if you include a notecard with the most important questions to be discussed and discussion, it could help book clubs to select your book to read for their next meeting!

People consume products in different stages.

In today’s busy, time-poor world, it’s getting harder to get consumers to take in your product in the format you create it in for a single time. You can assist them in getting more value from it by providing it in sections. For instance, you could invite the readers of your book to join an automated email course that will send readers a weekly reminder of one idea within the text. Also, you can conduct periodic webcasts on the book linking your readers to you and with each other.

Do not overlook the advantages of bundles of software!

The most common reason for not bundle products using this method is the worry about duplicates of your content. For example can you offer an audio book version, if it’s the same material as the printed version?

The general answer is yes! Customers will be grateful for making the effort to design the materials in various ways, particularly if you describe how they can utilize the various products to gain maximum value from the bundle.


  1. Армирование — это процесс внедрения арматуры в бетон с целью увеличения прочности железобетона и его устойчивости к изгибам, растяжениям и другим деформациям. Железобетон с арматурой используется в различных строительных проектах, включая многоэтажные здания, мосты и инженерные сооружения. Без этого материала, укрепляющего бетон, невозможно построить современные жилые, промышленные и инфраструктурные объекты.

  2. Стальной двутавр — это фасонный металлопрокат с Н-образным сечением поперечного профиля. Он изготавливается горячекатаным способом из углеродистых или низколегированных сталей при температуре 1200°C по стандарту ГОСТ 8239-89

  3. Ассортимент арматуры, представленный на рынке, весьма разнообразен, и выбор подходящего изделия для конкретной задачи может быть непростым. Классификация металлических стержней помогает профессионалам разобраться в технических характеристиках, областях применения и преимуществах различных металлопрокатных изделий.

  4. Арматура диаметром 32 мм, изготовленная из стали марки А500С, является одним из самых востребованных видов металлопроката в строительстве. Она применяется при возведении фундаментов, армировании стен и перемычек.

  5. Двутавр — это тип металлического профиля, который широко используется в строительстве для создания несущих конструкций. Он имеет форму буквы “H” и состоит из двух параллельных полок, соединенных стенкой. Подробнее на

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